Tuesday, 1 April 2014

Something New and Exciting!

So I've been wanting to start a blog for a while now but have never had the time or patience to actually sit down and do it! As this is my first ever blog post, it's quite hard to decide what to write about first... I guess I should start with a little intro about myself.

So my name is Steph, I am currently 18 and I live in Australia. I finished high school last year and started studying Architectural Design at University just last month!
I love to travel around, whether that be camping only a few hours away from home, family holidays that require a day trip in the car or to places that need flying to! Speaking of flying, in 26 days I'm going to be seeing and staying with my best friend Laura in Mackay, Queensland for 3 weeks! So I'm super excited about that right now! I'm also kidnapping her when I go back home...  muahahahaha!

What else...? Errrmmmmm........
I like to buy things like clothes, makeup and anything else that smells good when I have money (as do all teenage girls i assume). This was kind of also another reason I wanted to start a blog, so I can share my opinion and experiences with people (even if no one really ends up reading it).

So what you can expect from my future blog posts:
  • Little adventures that happen in my life
  • Things that I've bought and probably my opinion on them
  • My thoughts or opinions on things
  • Recent thing that I have been loving e.g. TV shows, books, food even?? haha
  • Anything else that I might feel like posting about :)
I probably haven't covered many relevant things, but I guess as I make more posts you'll find out more about me. But that's enough for now aaannndddd I hope that you enjoy my blog! :)


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