Thursday, 15 January 2015


So this year marks my second year out of high school and I feel like this is going to be a good year already. Last year was hard. I was fresh out of school, didn't really know what I wanted to do or what I was doing 90% of the time. I changed degrees twice and felt like I was wasting my time doing the wrong things. On top of that, I had my Grandmother and Mum constantly badgering me about "when are you going to get a job?" -please try to understand that I want to sort myself out and my study load before I get myself a job so I know my limits!!-  Tell me to do something (aka. GET A JOB) and I'll do the opposite... thats a note for you mum...
You could say last year was my bum around year.

This year is going to be different. I worked out what I want to do with myself, finally!
Today I was accepted into the degree I wanted. Even though it's Architecture (yes this was the first thing I started with), at a different University and I've practically gone in an large accumulating circle of HECS debt.
But you know what? 

If i had never dropped out of Architecture, changed Universities and picked up Visual Communication Design, I never would have worked out that Architecture was the thing I wanted to do and that the Uni I changed to was the one that felt like my second home.
Also another huge bonus is that one of my best friends who I haven't been at the same school with since the start of year 10 (4 years ago) also got into the same degree!!
Which makes it all the more exciting!

Aside from studying this year I have plans to save money rather than spend it (so far, so good), exercise more whether it be walking, running or going for a swim and to also get a job on my own terms. OH! and to also go on a holiday somewhere! 

You could think of these as New Years resolutions, I think that saying that is kind of a stupid excuse to start doing things.
Think of it more as personal development.

Take time out to discover who you are.


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