Wednesday 25 March 2015

My Dreams

I always wake up after a night of strange dreaming.

Usually I dream about something relevant to that happened that day.

It can be the most random thing that crossed my mind, something that I saw but didn't take much notice of or even one little thing that someone might have said.

I might be having one dream, then the next second it seems as if I'm in a completely different and new one and I can't ever describe how it happened, yet in my mind it makes total sense. 

I often have dreams about trying to run fast and not getting really anywhere. It's almost like slippery running.

My mind seems to be more active during the night than during the day.

But in the end sleeping and dreaming is my favourite part about the night.

Thursday 15 January 2015


So this year marks my second year out of high school and I feel like this is going to be a good year already. Last year was hard. I was fresh out of school, didn't really know what I wanted to do or what I was doing 90% of the time. I changed degrees twice and felt like I was wasting my time doing the wrong things. On top of that, I had my Grandmother and Mum constantly badgering me about "when are you going to get a job?" -please try to understand that I want to sort myself out and my study load before I get myself a job so I know my limits!!-  Tell me to do something (aka. GET A JOB) and I'll do the opposite... thats a note for you mum...
You could say last year was my bum around year.

This year is going to be different. I worked out what I want to do with myself, finally!
Today I was accepted into the degree I wanted. Even though it's Architecture (yes this was the first thing I started with), at a different University and I've practically gone in an large accumulating circle of HECS debt.
But you know what? 

If i had never dropped out of Architecture, changed Universities and picked up Visual Communication Design, I never would have worked out that Architecture was the thing I wanted to do and that the Uni I changed to was the one that felt like my second home.
Also another huge bonus is that one of my best friends who I haven't been at the same school with since the start of year 10 (4 years ago) also got into the same degree!!
Which makes it all the more exciting!

Aside from studying this year I have plans to save money rather than spend it (so far, so good), exercise more whether it be walking, running or going for a swim and to also get a job on my own terms. OH! and to also go on a holiday somewhere! 

You could think of these as New Years resolutions, I think that saying that is kind of a stupid excuse to start doing things.
Think of it more as personal development.

Take time out to discover who you are.

Sunday 21 September 2014

Do What You Love

The last year of high school can be a confusing, stressful and very emotional time for everyone. Besides studying extra hard to ace all of your tests and exams, you have to make life changing decisions all on your own. Yet despite the different journeys of each individual, in the end we are all faced the same daunting question... "What do I want to do with my life?"
This has been by far the hardest question I've ever had to answer. Why? Because my answer was I don't know. I didn't know what I wanted to do when I finished year 12 and I definitely had no idea what career I wanted to follow. But that was the choice I had to make. Of course I did make a choice in the end, but it turned out to be the wrong one.
I vowed to myself that I would never again do anything to do with Art/Design as by the end of year 12 I had, had enough of it. Therefore at the start of this year, not straying completely from my interest despite what I said to myself, I commenced studying Architectural Design at University. I met some great people and was interested in what I was learning but it didn't feel right, leading to my withdraw from the course. 

Long story short, I was angry, frustrated, confused and disappointed that I was now doing nothing with my life. I didn't want to be doing nothing, I didn't want to take a "gap year" or half but maybe I didn't realise it's what I needed. During this time I didn't have to worry about academics and it gave me a chance to relax, clear my head and lead me to the path I wanted to walk.

Which brings us up to now. I am currently studying Design (Visual Communication) and 8 weeks ago I was apart of the mid-year University intake. I can honestly say that compared to the start of the year when I was shy, scared and unenthusiastic for the first weeks of my Uni experience, this time around I was still shy and a little bit scared (who wouldn't be having to get to know a bunch of people you've never met!!) but I was beyond excited to get right into things. 

I was with a bunch of likeminded people, learning about things I was passionate about. 

Just being able to have that creative outlet and being able to turn it into the start of a career, allowed me to find my path in life. Even though I said to myself I would do nothing of the sort. 

So here's my advice to you

1. Don't listen to anyone telling you to do something you don't want to do! 
2. Pursue something that interests you, it could even be something you naturally have a flare for.
and finally...
3. Don't be afraid to take a breather! Give yourself some time out to think! 

I didn't do this and I learn't the long way.

But at the end of the day regret nothing because you might not be where or who you are today!

Thursday 10 April 2014

Crazy Cat Lady Life

So in my lifetime, I have had at least 16 cats... I know it seems like a lot but here me out! Really I've had 3 cats,the rest were just kittens. 
I've been fortunate enough to have 2 litters of kittens around (both from Ella at different times) We couldn't keep any of course, but they all went to great homes.
There's just something about cats that makes me happy. They are just so weird at times, crazy and lets be honest here, who doesn't love to come home after a long day, sit on the couch and have a cuddle with a willing fur ball?

So whats the point of this post you might be thinking? It's pretty much just cat appreciation! Or kittens... I'm getting to that bit now!

Over the past month or two (I forget how long), we have fostered 4 kittens from the RSPCA (animal welfare). This meant that because they are always overflowing with stray and surrendered cats and kittens, they quickly run out of room for them all and ask the public if they can take home either:  

  • a mother and her kittens
  • abandoned new born that need constant love and nurturing
  • kittens
  • cats or kittens with cat flu and need antibiotics (Yes, cat flu is a thing...)
  • or other cats
As we already have 2 cats, we figured that just kittens would be enough. So we helped them out and took 4 beautiful little ratbags. Two of them are orange and the other two are black.
Unfortunately they got cat flu and the little girl, Eclair had it so bad she stopped eating and was almost put down because she had lost so much weight. Shes all better now though!
Here's a sneaky peak at them :)
Wolfie (eats a lot and lazy)
Elair (loves cuddles )
Jeremiah (loves a tummy rub)
Timmy (lap king/shy)

Tuesday 1 April 2014

Something New and Exciting!

So I've been wanting to start a blog for a while now but have never had the time or patience to actually sit down and do it! As this is my first ever blog post, it's quite hard to decide what to write about first... I guess I should start with a little intro about myself.

So my name is Steph, I am currently 18 and I live in Australia. I finished high school last year and started studying Architectural Design at University just last month!
I love to travel around, whether that be camping only a few hours away from home, family holidays that require a day trip in the car or to places that need flying to! Speaking of flying, in 26 days I'm going to be seeing and staying with my best friend Laura in Mackay, Queensland for 3 weeks! So I'm super excited about that right now! I'm also kidnapping her when I go back home...  muahahahaha!

What else...? Errrmmmmm........
I like to buy things like clothes, makeup and anything else that smells good when I have money (as do all teenage girls i assume). This was kind of also another reason I wanted to start a blog, so I can share my opinion and experiences with people (even if no one really ends up reading it).

So what you can expect from my future blog posts:
  • Little adventures that happen in my life
  • Things that I've bought and probably my opinion on them
  • My thoughts or opinions on things
  • Recent thing that I have been loving e.g. TV shows, books, food even?? haha
  • Anything else that I might feel like posting about :)
I probably haven't covered many relevant things, but I guess as I make more posts you'll find out more about me. But that's enough for now aaannndddd I hope that you enjoy my blog! :)

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